The girl Mariana, who suffered from cancer, did not die due to lack of medication, said the Secretary of Health.
Through a statement signed by the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals, the federal agency explained that on July 5 he died at the Children's Hospital of Mexico “Federico Gómez” because of intracranial hypertension, unspecified cerebrovascular disease and aplastic anemia.
“The reason for the death had to do with primary spinal cord disease and not with any particular circumstance related to the lack of inputs, drugs or appropriate treatment, “he said.
He explained that Mariana was treated for the first time at the Children's Hospital of Mexico, on July 26, 2018. “That day he was studied to find infectious causes and bone marrow aspirate that ruled out the diagnosis of Acute leukemiahe remembered.
He added that on July 30, 2018, a minor was made bone marrow biopsy which demonstrates spinal cord aplasia, so support treatment was given and is discharged on August 2, 2018.
For July 1 of this 2019, Mariana was treated in an outpatient clinic, reporting without clinical evidence of infectious disease, hemorrhage or any other indication of hospital admission.
Finally he goes on July 5 by a table referred by the mother, 6:00 hours of evolution.
“The patient received supportive treatment during the entire time she was in the hospital, with transfusions, antibiotics, colony stimulating factors and targeted treatment with thymoglobulin twice “, assured the dependence.